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We strive to make your shopping experience smooth and worry-free. Enjoy fast shipping and a hassle-free return policy. For detailed information, please click here.
We strive to make your shopping experience smooth and worry-free. Enjoy fast shipping and a hassle-free return policy. For detailed information, please click here.
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We're here to assist you! Reach out to our customer service for any questions or concerns. For more information, click here.
Early slot selection of the "Broccoli di Bassano" cauliflower. Heads reach an average weight of 300g and are of a typical pale creamy yellow color. Typical product of the western part of Veneto, known for the characteristic sweet taste of both the inflorescence and the leaves, which are edible too. Uniform variety, characterized by a marked earliness for October and November harvests. Belonging to the list of PAT (Traditional Agri-food Product) of the Veneto region. Available in organic seed. High germination calibrated seed certified free of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris, Alternaria spp. e Phoma lingam.
Click here to download our ORGANIC (BIO) CERTIFICATE.
Early slot selection of the "Broccoli di Bassano" cauliflower. Heads reach an average weight of 300g and are of a typical pale creamy yellow color. Typical product of the western part of Veneto, known for the characteristic sweet taste of both the inflorescence and the leaves, which are edible too. Uniform variety, characterized by a marked earliness for October and November harvests. Belonging to the list of PAT (Traditional Agri-food Product) of the Veneto region. Available in organic seed. High germination calibrated seed certified free of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris, Alternaria spp. e Phoma lingam.
Click here to download our ORGANIC (BIO) CERTIFICATE.